Wednesday, September 30, 2015


Growing evidence suggests that all is not what it appears to be around us. I'm not talking about kozmik events. I am talking about right down here in our mundane mediocre little lives. Every day and all around us ... like a cheese sandwich.


The normalcy bias, or normality bias, is a mental state people enter when facing a disaster. It causes people to underestimate both the possibility of a disaster and its possible effects

In thinking of recent events, and discussions with friends, I think there are a few hurdles that normalcy bias has built that are nothing more than sand castles.


 First rule of conspiracy denial:

"A lot of people would have to know; it's impossible!"

Response: So what? Lots of people knew about Pearl Harbor, they even came out and have been published. Nobody cares/believes/is told the truth despite the well-known information regarding the advanced warning we got. Time has a way with these things.

 Lots of people know about what happened to the USS Liberty. Have the stories of the actual sailors and naval command personnel ever really been told? Only to people who care to do research; the general public is simply never shown. So the truth can hide in plain sight despite all the testimony.

Lots of people knew what was going down on 9-11: namely 20 or so hijackers and their support, which is likely 2x to 10x the number of actors. So the idea that deep support, i.e. lots of help, is a reason to discount some theories doesn't hold water. In the case of 9-11, the very act as officially documented itself constituted a massive conspiracy. The official explanation is just as wild as any so-called conspiracy. 

In the case of the Lusitania, only one person really needed to know, the spy who phoned that one in, and the dozens of others until a lucky U-boat sealed the deal. If any upper management was involved, did they need to know what was going on? No, just that an operative needed to provide info on ships carrying munitions. Segmentation can also make "wide knowledge" unnecessary, and thereby an invalid candidate for denial.

The explanation for most of these things is, yes, we really are that dumb. It's the most likely answer to all of them. Doesn't mean that a plan was not hatched and carried out. Doesn't mean an official story was sold, probably to save face in most cases, but those are conspiracies all on their own. Maybe if the people in power could admit a huge screw-up, then a cover up wouldn't be necessary. So to circle back to the top, is a conspiracy theory just another form of normalcy bias?
Would one rather believe that evil is responsible instead of incompetence as a way of preserving their own shallow existence?

 One cannot win if pure evil is in charge. Forever tilting at windmills fills the heart with purpose!
Next chapter: "Nobody would ever do that to their own people" fallacy exposed...

We are normal, and we want our freedom.

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