Friday, June 19, 2015


Been reading the Woodpile Report.

Got me to thinking. Character counts for a lot within each of us (the Inside Job, eh?) and also the folks with whom we associate. That's why in these uncertain soon to be troubled times we have to find like-minded people that we want to be around. People that we can trust.

Churches do it for some, cops and soldiers have their own groups; I am a Christian and a Freemason so I look within the Fraternity.

People of faith have a logical idea of what life is all about.

We cannot make it alone. Neighbors, family, community associations, strength in numbers. BTW be a giver, not a taker. Offer as much or more than you expect from such a group.

The times are certainly changing. For the worse.

Thanks to Remus, a look at character:
As Remus told you in Woodpile Report 8, nobody really judges a person solely by the color of their skin, at least nobody he'd wanna know.

Martin Luther King was right when he said we should judge people by the content of their character.
So let's do some judging. We form entirely reasonable opinions by observing ordinary things about other people.

 For instance:
  • Are they considerate, courteous and pleasant or are they obnoxious, confrontational and crude?
  • Do they dress to an acceptable standard, or wear offensive costumes?
  • Are they thought well of, or are they habitual troublemakers?
  • Are they dependable and honest, or untrustworthy and criminal?
  • Are they reasonably intelligent and inquisitive, or ignorant and incurious but deviously clever?
  • Are they sociable and cooperative, or consumed with self interest?
  • Do they speak intelligibly, or use gang slang?
  • Can they disagree without insults, threats or violence?
  • Are their kids well behaved, or foul-mouthed junior street thugs?
  • Do they value education, or are schools just their free day care?
  • Are they self-reliant, or does the world owe them a living? Do they take personal responsibility, or is somebody else always to blame?
  • Do they give others the benefit of the doubt, or do they see others as cunning victimizers?
  • Are they truthful about their personal history, or is it a pastiche of self-serving fantasy?
  • Do they plan for the future, or lunge at short-term payoffs?
  • Do they earn respect, or demand it?
  • Do they believe race is irrelevant, or do they use race to extort preferences?
King had it right; judging people by the content of their character is reasonable and just. We should do more of it.

Start with honesty.

My father used to say "Lie to no one. If it’s somebody close to you, you’re gonna ruin it with a lie. If it’s a stranger, who the heck are they, you gotta lie to them?"

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